COVID-19 Rules
- The school office will remain closed. All correspondence must be made via email or a telephone call.
- School uniform must be worn and children will require PE kits and swimming kits.
- Parents I must stress that there can be NO lingering on the playground. Please collect your gorgeous children and leave as quickly as possible.
- Kiss and Drive and the Busy Bee Bus will remain closed until further notice.
- The school will follow its normal curriculum, which will include PE, trips, Mile A Day, ICT, music etc
- School PE kits and swimming kits will be required. Sadly, children will not be allowed to borrow school PE kit, so please ensure your child has their PE kit every day.
- All children must wash their hands on entering and exiting the school building.
- All children require a pencil case which will fit in school tray.
- All children will need a named water bottle.
- Children can bring their own small bottle of hand sanitizer. This can stay in their tray.
- Children will need to bring bookbags, lunch boxes & snack boxes into school.
- If your child has a high temperature, a new and persistent cough or loss of taste or smell you must keep them at home and arrange a Covid19 test. All household members must stay at home until a test results have confirmed. Please contact the school to keep us fully up to date.
- If you child is poorly in school they will be sent home. We have to be cautious and keep everybody safe.
- In the case of school closure due to Covid19 your child’s learning will revert to the online SEESAW platform that was used during lockdown.
Let's work together in these unprecedented times to ensure that Aldingbourne's reopening is as safe as it possibly can beeee!