New Year, New Start, New Reminders!
- The school day begins at 8.40am,
- Kiss and drive closes at 8.50am.
- PE Kit – please remember to send your child’s PE kit into school at the beginning of the week. It can stay in school for the entire week, ensuring that your child always has a PE kit. At Aldingbourne School we value PE massively and, unless we have had a message from you via a note, email or a phone call, we expect all children to participate in all aspects of PE.
- Please can we ask parents to keep children off the Adventure Playground, Sensory Trail, Castle, Pirate ship, Ramble Route and The Rock at the end of the day. These areas are not supervised and our school RULE is very simple - if the chain is on, that means these areas are closed!!!!
- PLEASE NO DOGS allowed on the school site at any time!
- At lunchtime, a chocolate biscuit is allowed, but please try not to give your children chocolate sweets such as Mars Bars.
- Healthy Snacks please. A plain biscuit or a piece of fruit!
- Remember to check for headlice weekly!
- Please remember no nail polish or jewellery should be worn at school.
- Label ALL UNIFORM!!!
- No Trainers!!!
- No temporary tattoos.
- Smiling is compulsory at Aldingbourne Sch0ol!!
Thanks for following our school rules - it is really helpful!